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God made us alive in Jesus Christ. He took us out of darkness into His marvellous light. To do the good works, He prepared for us before the foundation of the world.

1 Peter 2:9 – 10

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

Reaching Out

These are some of the outreaches we’ve done. It is our passion to reach out to the poor and hungry through organising fellow Christians who is Alive for Jesus.

Christmas 2024 Outreach at kidstop Borcherds, George.

The Lord uses the little we give, stretch it, and together we leave a significant footprint of something extraordinary behind. Something that cannot be explained. We experience joy of being part of God’s kingdom. We are blessed knowing that our lives do have value, and the Lord can use us. Thank You Lord Jesus for Your outreach to Kidstop!! A very BIG Thank You to all our Sponsors, big and small.

The “Alive for Jesus” December Outreach was a great success, leaving Borcherds homes and hearts touched by the 230 Christmas packages and 230 Bibles for the children at Kidstop. Remarkable George business sponsors were Hartman Butchery who sponsored 200 x 1kg mincemeat and George Gas provide two plate gas stove and cylinder at cost price. Professional Geroge Photographer; Deidre Cloete offered her skills towards the project to make the event an unforgettable memory.

On 23rd December Christmas packages were handed out for each and every child at Kidstop which include food items such as the 1kg mince, 500g dry beans and 500g spaghetti to take home. Included in the bag was school stationery and toiletry items such as toothbrush, toothpastes, lux soap and face cloth.

Earlier the month, on 13th December the 230 bibles for the 9 year and older, and Christian activity books for the toddlers were handed out. : It was such a joy to hand out the bibles. The children waited as we wrote their names in their bibles (and bible activity books for the under 9-year-olds.). We made a very special sticker with a Christmas message on, and a space where we can personally handwrite their names.

As Christians we know that the bibles will be one of the most treasured item the children can have the rest of their lives. On the same day a brand-new Acer i7 was donated to the Kidstop office as well as 3 toilet seats for the bathrooms.

The Alive for Jesus NPC thank the George business and all the individual sponsors who contributed financially, as well the 40+ bags of clothing and shoes received from the public.

“Thank You” to Sonika Bardenhorst, social worker of Kidstop and our contact point for all the arrangements. Sonika was extremely helpful, patient and kind. She loves the Lord Jesus and the Kidstop children dearly.

Meet the Team 23rd December 2024 :

The “Alive for Jesus” Outreach to Kidstop: 23rd December 2024.  Back, Left to right: Pieter van Zyl, Izak Malan, Elmarie Malan, Abraham van Zyl, Brunheide van Wyk, Marlene Fouche, Denise, Gené van Zyl. Front, Left to right: Peter van Zyl, Talya Fouche, Leeva Fouche and Mateo Fouche. Deidre Cloete is part of the team and taking the photo.

(Eben & Annelien were part of the team handing out the bibles on 13 December 2024)

Meet the Sponsors:

Adri Nel – R300
Alida Uys – R150
Anonymous – R20000 (230 Bibles/books & Acer Laptop)
Anonymous – R2000 Checkers vouchers
Anonymous – 30 Bags of shoes and clothing
Deidre Cloete – Photographer who sponsor photos
Douw Kruger – R150
Eben & Annelien Lombard – 500g x 230 Dry Beans
Hartman Butchery – Mince Meat 200 x 1 kg
Jennith Butler – Help as volunteer in afternoons at Kidstop
Johakim Van Wyk – R200
Liezl Uys – R300
Linah Maloka – 2 x Bags Clothing & Shoes
Lloyd & Robyn – 2 x Bags Clothing & Shoes
Lorren Ndlovu – R800
Mamsy Nkhumise – R400
Marilu Malan – 2 x Bags Clothing & Shoes
Marlene Fouche – 2 x Toilet seats
Ofentse Moabi – R2000 (2 plate gas stove & Gas cylinder)
Rosetta Masemola – R200
Vincent Naicker – R150

God bless all the sponsors! “Blessed is he who considers the poor; The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.” Psalm 41

Keep an eye open for the next outreach by “Alive for Jesus”, follow the Facebook page and visit the website to see more photos of the event.

Visit our “Connect with us” or/and our “Contributing” page on this website.

Christmas 2023 giving George Night Shelter

It was Christmas time, time of giving our best for our Father in Heaven gave His best, His only Son Jesus Christ.

Early the Saturday morning of 23rd December the George night Shelter was full of buzz with the Alive for Jesus team. As they were hard busy preparing a breakfast, the homeless inmates were gathering to sit in anticipation as the team not only prepared the breakfast but also served them.

The preparation started the previous day when the onions were cut, bread buttered, tomato sauce added, and eggs broken. On the morning the team gathered 6am to warm the Viennas, fry the onions, jam the croissants, and filled them with cheese.

The team members were full of joy while they worked together saying it was very meaningful to serve in an outreach in such a tangible way.

150 Meals were prepared for the staff and those who sleeping over. The breakfast was a hotdog roll with two chicken and cheese Viennas, scrambled eggs, fried onions, fresh strawberries, croissants with cheese and strawberry jam. Lastly but not least a small milk tart for everyone. The bookmark “Jesus loves you” was handed out by the children.

Rina Smith, supervisor of the George Night Shelter welcomed the team with open arms. She was especially grateful not only for the sponsorship, but also for the team coming to the shelter to serve the breakfast.

Sponsors were the Redberry farm sponsoring the jam and fresh strawberries and Prince of Tarts the milk tars. The rest of the items were sponsored by 11 other private individuals and couples. Local companies such as The Grocery Express, Morningside Farm Fresh Eggs and The Bread House & Bakery supported the event by providing items at discounted prices. Photos were taken and sponsored by Gerber Sport Photography.

Funds remained after all the items were purchased for the breakfast. From these funds Country Range Chicken (30kg) were purchased for the George Night Shelter’s Christmas lunch.

We also thank Print.Co who assisted with friendly, professional and fast services in printing our T-shirts.

Above all we thank the Lord Jesus for our strength and for His provision, blessing us all to be a blessing…

View our Facebook Album “Christmas 2023 Outreach George Night Shelter”

Quantity Notes
10kg (375gx27)Strawberry jam Sponsored by Redberry Farm
6kg Fresh Strawberries Sponsored by Redberry Farm
360 Eggs (Discounted by Morningside Farm Fresh Eggs) Sponsored by Lloyd and Robyn Esau
21kg Onions (2kgx10) Sponsored by James and Marlene Fouche
312 (24×13) Chicken Cheese Viennas Sponsored by Eddie and Delia Stidworthy
150 Croissants (Discounted The Bread House & Bakery ) Sponsored by Sipho and Kulani Valoi
10kg STORK bread spread (10x1kg) Sponsored by Jimmy and Charlotte Steel
150 Hotdog Buns Sponsored by Mamsy Nkumise
9l Tomato Sauce (Discounted by The Grocery Express) Sponsored by Stella Thabo Mjoli
10,31kg Cheese Anonymous
150 Jesus loves you Bookmark cards Sponsored by Dikeledi Radebe
130 Milktarts Sponsored by Prince of Tarts
Photography by Charl and Benita Gerber Sponsored by Gerber Sport Photography
5kg Country Range Chicken (Discounted by The Grocery Express) Sponsored by Fabasi Kgomo
15kg Country Range Chicken (Discounted by The Grocery Express) Anonymous
5kg Country Range Chicken (Discounted by The Grocery Express) Sponsored by Mamsy Nkumise
5kg Country Range Chicken Discounted (Groceries Express) Sponsored by Sipho and Kulani Valoi/Eddie and Delia Stidworthy

We were especially motivated for this charity by Titus 3, which the Lord confirmed twice with us.

Verse 1 “Remind them to … be ready for every good work”.

Verse 8 “This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men.”

Verse 14 “And let our people also learn to maintain good works, to meet urgent needs, that they may not be unfruitful.”

Visit our “Connect with us” or/and our “Contributing” page.


On 26 April 2024 we visited two orphaned homes from the Live Community services in George, Thembalethu The two houses provide a home for 11 precious children (and one baby) with two house moms. Due to the nature of this outreach, we cannot place pictures of the children. The children were very grateful towards us, and the house moms welcomed us with open arms. We thank the Lord and our sponsors who made this outreach possible.
Underwear Boys R500 by Edgarth Heynes
Underwear Girls R500 by Benita Gerber
Underwear Girls R300 by Gerda Marais
Toothpaste R300 by Fabasi Kgomo
Shampoo/Soap/Cream R1200 by Delia Stidworthy
Paint for kids R240 by Marlene Fouche
Skipping ropes R100 by Brunheidi van Wyk
House Paint R1000 by Izak and Elmarie Malan
Shoes R1750 by Alive for Jesus
Microwave Oven by Eben and Annelien Lombard
James 1:27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.


This is our journey on the 24th of December 2023 at the George Hospital. Giving balloons and party packs to the children’s ward. We prayed for them and encouraged the parents to stay strong in their faith – Jesus loves them and cares for them. We were blessed. We thank the Lord, and we thank the hospital, that we could bring so many smiles to the children. By God’s grace we will do this again, but then bring many more balloons.

Arise Restoration Centre 2023 Winter

The Arise Restoration Centre (ARC) is situated on the Bronkhorstspruit road. We visited three times during the month of June and July. (29th of June 2023, 2de of July 2023, and 8th July 2023). By grace Alive for Jesus sponsored hearty Soup and Bread on the first two visits, and delicious melkos with sugar and cinnamon the last visit. We are grateful towards Wayne of Nuch Café who prepared the soup/melkos and baked the bread. The last visit was also marked by handing out 70 beautiful fleece blankets. Our friend Aphindile Govuza visited with us, handing out the blankets. We thank Sipho and Kulani Valoi contributing R700, and Nondumiso Tenza R300 toward these blankets.

The message we shared with them was that Jesus is praying for us during difficult times, and His love makes us victorious (Romans 8). It was such joyous moments, as the smiles and hugs warmed our hearts. The group’s faith was very special to us, especially how they trust and look unto Jesus Christ for their futures. Visit our album on Facebook for more photos and stories at “Arise Restoration Centre (ARC) June 2023

Blanket, Bread and Soup 1 July 2023

It was time again for reaching out to the homeless. The excited team gathered Saturday morning 1st July 10am, packing 125 parcels. Team members were Johanna Matli, Teddy and Patience Radebe, Nondumiso Tenza, Leon Mbangwa, Thelia & Jariel, Michellay And Edgarth Heynes, Kgomotso Mothibi. We rolled the 2m fleece blanket, add the loaf of bread with 2 packets cup of soups. Each parcel also received an encouraging letter with a salvation prayer. After all our packing, loving and sharing stories, we spread out into the streets to hand over our bags of love.

We say a big thank you to all the donors who made this charity (125 parcels of Blankets, Bread and Soup) possible. We also extend our gratitude to Dr Qinisile Cele who made the Family Matters Wellness Centre’s premises available to do the packing. Each parcel was worth R100. Brunheide Van Wyk 2, Heynes Family 5, Malan Family 12, Marlene Fouche 1, Johan Bosch 15, Leon Mbangwa Plastic Bags & Ribbons, Esau Family 2, Mamsy Nkhumise 1,5, Marilu Van Niekerk 10, Nondumiso Tenza 3, Qinisile Cele & Family Matters 20, Combrinck Family 30, Lewis Family 10, Tertia Nieuwoudt 5, Valois Family Sipho 6 Bags.

Psalm 103v1 Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits!

Summer giving to homeless March 2023

During the summer of 4th March 2023, the team of 16 members met to pack 31 parcels for the homeless.

The journey started the day before when we purchased the goods with Himne and Judah Cloete.

We thank the 15 donors who generously contributed toward the parcels. A Du Plooy, B Steven, B Van Wyk, Chezhan Properties, D Duma, F Kgomo, Faure Family, Heynes Family, J Matli, M Nkhumise, Marais Family, R Celliers, T Hlongwane, Valois Family, Wolmarans Family. We also thank Pastor Karel and Hilana who lovingly given their church premises for the packing of the parcels!

The parcels contained the following items.  Rice 2kg, Instant Porridge with Milk 1kg, Sugar 1kg, Maize Meal 1kg, Oil 750ml, Salt 1kg, Teabags 100 Pack, Coffee 100g, Bread and eggs. In a world that care less, we need to care more. We also included a letter with a salvation prayer and encouraging words of hope and love.

Meet the team on the day: L-R: Sipho Valois, (Wolmerans) Gerhard, Amelie, Erna, Emma, Lwyn Hartogh, Steven Bohlale. (Cloete), Judahtjie, Himnetjie, Himne, Arno, Kulani Valois, Ellen Koloko, Herminah Lebajoa, (Malan) Elmarie and Izak.

It was such a blessed day in the presence of the Lord. We had fun and laughter. It is a joy to serve the Lord in His kingdom. We must say, as we went out to be Alive for Jesus, it was Jesus that made us Alive, with joy in our hearts during this assignment.

The smiles on the photos that will follow will tell a thousand words, enjoy our journey with us….

If you are led by the Spirit to give for the next outreach, then you are welcome to register or find the details for donations on our webpage under the following link:

Christmas giving 2022 children’s ward at George hospital

This is our family’s journey on 24th December 2022 at the George Hospital. Visiting the children ward and staff to brighten up their day and bring the love of Jesus in a tangible way. Samantha Severi joined us after she travelled 16 hours by bus for the outreach.

Each girl received a teddy bear, and each boy received a car. Included in the giving was juice, chips, and chocolates. For the diabetic children we had sugar free sprite and zero sugar chocolate. Helium balloons,  stickers, and fridge magnets was part of the giving. Thank you, Jesus, for giving to us to be a blessing, our strength, love and joy!,

If you are led by the Spirit to give for the next outreach, then you are welcome to register or find the details for donations on our webpage under the following link:

Christmas giving 2022 Sonneblom Creche

In Hoekwil, near George we had a fantastic, sunny day. Izak started by explaining to the children that Jesus loves them and want to enter the door of their hearts to stay with them. Elmarie prayed a prayer for the children to invite Jesus into their hearts and into their lives. The children sang a song that Jesus loves them, whereafter we started to hand out the gifts and party packs. Thank you, Jesus, it was a privilege and joy for us to be used by You: to love and bring joy and gifts to Your wonderful children. We also thank the sponsors who given the party packs,  Topper’s cookies, stickers, and fridge magnets. Last but not least One Hope who gave: The 17 Stories Course through the bible with teacher’s manuals (7) and a puzzles for each child (70). The bible App for kids, book of hope. (70)

old age House JJ Watson

As a family we visited Huis JJ Watson Aged care in George on 18 June 2022. First we dried flowers and leaves and made bible verses. These bible verse cards were designed by our dad and printed on sticker paper. On the back of the cards, we pasted the flowers and leaves. The children thoroughly enjoyed picking the flowers and making the cards.

Together we visited the old age home and took some cake, muffins, and chocolates along. The children were a bit shy, but as we went on, they started to enjoy handing out the cards and giving out the muffins. Wow, these ladies enjoyed our company, especially giving hugs and kisses to the kids! We served tea, coffee, and cake, having conversations with each one.

We left refreshed, knowing we made a difference today. Also, we again thought the children, showing them, life is not all about what we make, but what we give. Thank you, Jesus!

Lagai Roi Missionary Nursery & Pre-school school: Brits

It was our desire to come back with friends and with a bigger blessing, after our first visit at the Lagai Roi school. By God’s grace we engaged +-20 people who sponsor 72 hotdogs, 62 tracksuits, 143kg food and vegetables, Juices & Biscuits and Christian Education materials from One Hope. Two of our friends visited with us on 3rd June 2022 to hand out all these blessings, what a joy it was.

Lagai Roi Missionary Nursery & Pre-school school: Brits

The challenges that faced this school, opening during January 2022 was the huge intake of 17 new 2-to-5-year children. We assisted by bringing some goodies for the kids. Skipping ropes, balls, Crayons, Bible story match cards, Christian movies, and something special for the teachers. With the visit Izak spoke to the children about Jesus who is with us and taking our hands to walk with us in life, and Elmarie said a prayer for all the kids to accept Jesus in their hearts. We would love to return by grace with friends in Christ to be a bigger blessing to this precious school, mom Linda (the headmaster), teachers and the children.

Christmas giving with children to the homeless: George

December 2021, George, South Africa.  With this charity we included our beloved family, Talya, Mateo and Leeva. We have learned so much about their personalities, and their little loving, giving hearts. The bible teaches us, involve the children with charities… Deuteronomy 6:7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. This is Christmas time, time of giving and showing love. Together we made up 10 bags, with different items, all in one big carry bag, giving them out to 10 homeless people.

Food parcels: Park Cottage Old Age Home in Betrams: Johannesburg

We and our amazing team of Emmanuel TV friends who served the Lord with us for years contributed food, to make up parcels for the residents of Park Cottage Old Age Home (2021 June). Included in the giving was Christian cards.  It was a cold winter morning, meeting with Betsie, but our hearts were warm with love. After completing the goody bags, we assist each person to carry the bags to their rooms. Each charity is a new experience, making history together.

Revamp school hall Dimphonyana Tsa Lapeng: Olievenhoutbosch

Together with 30 Emmanuel TV partners we blessed Mom Asnath and her daughter Shalate from Dimphonyana Tsa Lapeng “Little gifts of home”, June 2020. The school hall which also is used for church services needed attention. Together, by God’s grace the roof was repaired and together with the hall painted. Broken tiles inside and outside were fixed. New curtains were made, and rods provided. Brand new chairs bought to replace broken chairs. Mommy Asnath and some of the kids so happy about their new hall. It was such a special moment when the children run into their renovated hall, shouting thank you Jesus!

Feeding 30 households: Olievenhoutbosch

What an awesome day, June 2020! 30 Emmanuel TV Partners and friends joined us to be a blessing to the community. Each person bought that which the Lord put in their hearts to bring. As we enjoy packing 30 goody bags to give to the community of 30 households. They waited and watched in anticipation. After being addressed, each one of the 30 volunteers had the opportunity to hand over the parcel per household, one by one. Thank you, Jesus, our days and friends were written in Your Book.

Lighthouse Baby Shelter & Children’s Home: Johannesburg

On a special winter morning of June 2020 these Emmanuel TV partners and friends joined us in blessing the Lighthouse Baby Shelter & Children’s Home with food for the house, food for the street project and toys for the children. Izak and Elmarie handed over the towels to the children with their personalized embroidered names. We thank the Lord for the special women Mom Eleanor is, and for answering the Lord’s call to look after His babies and children.

What a wonderful day we had with mom Eleanor, coming together as friends to be a blessing with what the Lord has blessed us with! What a wonderful memory, enjoying the privilege to get together and give in the Lord’s kingdom.

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